Flight 079 – The Escape – Comics

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Flight 079 – The Escape – Comics



9″ x 12″

74 Pages

Comics – Kosher Comics For Kids

Written by: Tzvi Aryeh Adler

Illustrated by: Adi Katz

Rav Shaked and his sons, who had been kidnapped by radical Islamic terrorists, managed to escape from their abductors and are now racing, together with a pair of CIA agents, to bring aid to the rest of the passengers who remained in the heart of the jungle.

On their way, they will be forced to cope with complex challenges. The journey among the jungle tress and through the wild Savannah is chock-full of unfamiliar perils. Atop each tree and behind every curve lurk dangers that will force them to use every ounce of ingenuity and resourcefulness they possess, and to uncover willpower and emotional strengths that only their staunch faith in Hashem could grant them. 

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Flight 079 - The Escape - Comics

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